Atlantis: A city Wiped Overnight
Atlantis is one of the most mythical lost
cities ever known to mankind. Wherever you are in the world, you have probably
heard about the story of the great city that disappeared overnight. So we are
going to see what the myth says and what the truth actually is.
Atlantis has first been introduced to
history when Plato, a Greek writer and philosopher, wrote about
it. It is said
that he has heard the story from his grandfather, and decided to write about it.
Whether he added his own twists to it or not is still unknown. According to his
story which was written almost 2,400 years ago, Atlantis was a city that
existed almost 3,600 years ago. His story tells about a utopian city that was
so powerful, wealthy and a trade center for the rest of the world. Its
inhabitants were once moral, virtuous people. Long story short, those people
had everything, the money, the power, the position, they controlled all the
trade in the world, until that all changed. Apparently the Atlanteas, inhabitants
of Atlantis, grew greedy and immoral with time, so their "gods" put a
punishment on them, and one night this utopian city disappeared into the depths
of the sea, like it never existed.

The truth is Atlantis did exist at some
point in time, specifically 11,600 years ago in today's time. However, unlike
Plato's story, it disappeared not because the wrath of the "gods",
that part is totally fiction. But the reason is actually quite geological.
Around that same exact date, there was a huge rise in sea level that nearly
swallowed everything on earth including Atlantis, resulting in it submerging Ironically enough, that happened at the exact
same time the people of Atlantis grew way too powerful, too greedy, corrupt and
which justifies why Plato identified it as wrath of the gods.underwater.
This link provides a through explanation of about the story and truth of Atlantis.
Recent researches have confirmed the existence
of Atlantis under the sea. The location is still
unknown, but is believed to be near Greece. So it is safe to say that it is only a matter of time until we actually find it.
unknown, but is believed to be near Greece. So it is safe to say that it is only a matter of time until we actually find it.
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